
At SunWavePharma – Making Tomorrow Healthier

Career Opportunities

The success of our company is based on four pillars: innovation, collaboration, medical credibility, and trust. We invest in science and strongly believe that optimal health is not a coincidence but a sustained process. That is why we actively engage in the development and support of our employees. If honesty, integrity, and respect are values that represent you, and if you are convinced that sustained work will bring you success, we invite you to join the great team of SUN WAVE PHARMA and become an ambassador of our company.



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At Sun Wave Pharma, we are committed to a continuous journey of change and development. Every day, we strive to be better, stronger, and closer to our customers. We aim to respond as efficiently as possible to their needs, to continue the process of innovation in the field of science, and to make greater progress towards a balanced and healthy future, for each of us and for all of you.

We are aware that these goals would not be possible without the dedication and exceptional preparation of our employees, and without their tireless passion that inspires us every day. We are determined to support the professional and personal development of each member of our team and to provide them with all the support they need.

At Sun Wave Pharma, we work together for a healthier tomorrow.

At Sun Wave Pharma, we work together for a healthier tomorrow.

Life @ SWP

Echipa Sun Wave Pharma continuă să fie prezentă în activități de responsabilitate socială prin implicarea, pasiunea și devotamentul colegilor care au participat alături de asociația @PlantamFapteBuneInRomania la acțiunile de împădurire desfășurate în trei locații din țară: Giurgiu, Cluj și Iași.

Spunem un mare “Mulțumim pentru implicare” colegilor care au participat la această acțiune, contribuind la plantarea puieților de stejar roșu, salcâm sau vișin turcesc. Cu energia și pasiunea noastră, am făcut un pas mic dar important către un viitor mai verde și mai sănătos. 🌳🌱

#TeamSWP #MakingTomorrowHealthier

Suntem bucuroși că am revenit dintr-un team building plin de momente memorabile alături de echipa noastră!

Împreună am petrecut 🎶 o seară de gală cu muzică live, unde formația Vunk a oferit un spectacol de neuitat!

🏖️ Jocurile captivante desfășurate pe plajă ne-au unit într-o mare echipa veselă și plină de energie.

💃 Distracția a continuat cu seara disco!

Suntem recunoscători pentru aceste momente care ne-au consolidat relațiile și ne-au inspirat să continuăm să lucrăm împreună cu entuziasm și pasiune.

#TeamBuilding #EchipaPuternica #ExperienteDeNeuitat #Inspiratie #MakingTomorrowHealthier #SunWavePharma

CSR at Sunwavepharma

CSR at Sunwavepharma

Together for Nature! At Sun Wave Pharma, we understand how important it is to protect the environment and do everything we can to build a healthier and...

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Internships at Sunwavepharma

Internships at Sunwavepharma

For us, beginnings are undoubtedly an essential stage of growth within the company. That’s why we strive to develop highly personalized internship...

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Your Benefits

At Sun Wave Pharma, we always strive to support our employees and provide them with assistance in all activities that can help them develop to the next level. In this regard, we have developed a comprehensive benefits program designed to meet their current needs and desires and to help them improve their lifestyle, health, and work-life balance.

Medical Insurance

ING Partnership

Meal Vouchers

Transport Statement

Discount SWG Products

Discount Eyeglasses



Your Development

At Sun Wave Pharma, our employees are essential to our activity. They inspire and motivate us to achieve our goals and grow together. Their passion, determination, and enthusiasm show us every day that nothing can stop us from building a healthier tomorrow together.
For us, it is essential to be alongside our employees at every step of their evolution, to offer them the support and resources they need to achieve their professional goals. That is why we constantly invest in organizing development programs, which we carefully construct to be as useful, complex, and diverse as possible.

Sun Wave Pharma’s development programs are designed to support each employee in obtaining or improving the skills they need to achieve their goals, no matter how big or challenging they may be.

Whether we are talking about practical skills or soft skills, the programs respond to their current needs and aim to offer truly useful information for their long-term evolution.

At Sun Wave Pharma, growth is a natural part of our employees’ professional journey.
There are numerous opportunities for internal promotion, and each step towards a new position comes with special development programs. Because their success is also our success, we want our team members to benefit from all the support they need to step confidently into their new role. Thus, we ensure that our employees are prepared for their new positions and ready to enjoy their successes.

In addition, we prepare special leadership programs to meet the needs of employees who are preparing to take on the role of team manager. We know that growth opportunities come with new responsibilities, so we are there for each employee to make the transition process to higher positions as smooth as possible.

Soft Skills

Technical Training




Leadership Trainings

Foreign Languages Courses

Programmes for High Potentials
